Monday, July 21, 2008

Terminator Salvation

So here is the movie I have been waiting most of my life for! Finally a Terminator movie that shows the story in the future! Not only that but John Connor will be played by Christian Bale! This makes me giddy like a little school girl! Weeeee!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dark Knight

There is a ton of hype surrounding the new Batman movie. I too have to say this movie is incredible. What was even more incredible was Heath Ledger role as the Joker. I've been guilty in the past of thinking he was an overrated actor. He did have a few ok roles. He was always likable though. Now I have to eat my words though. He is a phenomenal character actor. The charisma projected from his character is so believable, I don't think that it could have ever been the same without him. So don't go watch this film just because everyone says to. Go watch this film because it is the best re-telling of the Batman comics ever and because it is a celebration Heath Ledger's final masterpiece.

House of Cards

Check out the new video for Radiohead's House of Cards from In Rainbows. Using an incredible new technology utilizing laser imaging, they created a 3 dimensional video.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fall of a Legend

George Carlin passed away June 22, 2008. He was a comedic and philosophical genius that changed the face of comedy and pushed the societal envelope. He will be missed!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Independence From a Broken System

To really prove that he believes in the people Barrack Obama has announced that he will for go over $80 million public financing given for the general election. Instead for the first time in campaign history he wants his campaign paid for by the people. Not special interest groups. Not lobbyists. You! So if you are willing to stand up and believe that you really can make a difference, make a donation. Even if its only a dollar that you were going to spend on an extra soda you really don't need. Make a difference and help make this country great again. Good changes are coming my friends, greet them with open arms!
Independence From a Broken System

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

Ok not really and here is why...

Thursday, May 1, 2008


You might recognize this band from tv commercials. They one of my most favorite bands. Here is "Breathe" by Télépopmusik..

Emily Loizeau

More from France! Here is some electro-acoustic from Emily Loizeau. The song is called "L'autre Bout Du Monde" or "The Other End of the World".

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Another French Connection for you to take a look at. Alizee is basically the French version of Brittany Spears only a million times more attractive. I had an unhealthy obsession with her for many years. Watch this delicious video and you will see why. Now granted she is pop which I detest, however, I still find her music catchy and interesting. So I have put up the video "Jen Ai Marre" or "I'm Fed Up" in english. Try not to drool too much...

Emilie Simon

Continuing my series on French electronic music, I give you another one of my favorite French performers Emilie Simon. If you follow that link you will find a really cool cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity". For now check out the cool video of "Desert". This is the French version but you can also find the English version on youtube. Enjoy!


So for the people that don't know me well, I would like to tell you I have a fetish for French electronic music. So I have decided to showcase some of my favorite French bands. Here is a video of the song "Teen Angst" by M83 who have just released a new album "Saturdays = Youth". I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Red Light, Green Light

So over the years I have been called all sorts of things. "Mr. E." and "Uncle Stinky" are among my more lovingly collected labels. Every now and then I run across someone that calls me a conspiracy theorist. Like the time that I insisted that North Dakota didn't really exist. Basically because I've never seen any real tangible proof that the state exists. For example I have never met anyone that lives in the state nor have I known someone that knows anyone from there. In all my life I have only seen one license plate from there not long after talking with someone about my theory. I think its a cover up by the government to make the country look bigger than it is. Alright so its my dumbest theory and I guess it would be a conspiracy-like.

Now one theory that I have always stuck with is that our government doesn't really do anything unless someone can make money off of it. Thats why our public schools are in a state of total disarray and textbooks cost ridiculous sums of money. It is also why you see most law enforcement handing out speeding tickets at "speed traps" just to match their quota. And one of the reasons why it costs 10 times as much to get a divorce as it does to get married. Now if that isn't enough hard proof then take a look at this article by the National Motorist Association.

So here is the idea. You have a camera attached to the lights at an intersection. When someone runs a red light you take a picture of their license plate. You then send them a lovely ticket in the mail. That way people actually pay attention to the light. Sounds like a good idea especially here in Salt Lake City since all the good Christians like to blow through stop lights. However, since governments are inherently corrupt, greedy and evil. They ignore public safety lower the yellow light time to say three seconds so that they can send out more tickets. So far the National Motorists Association has found six cities that where caught lowering the light time. There are bound to many more cities doing the same thing. So keep that in mind next time you run a into a quick yellow light.

Update: After talking with my favorite extremely talented server from the Piper Down I discovered that she is from North Dakota. So the bases for my whole existence (the belief that the state of North Dakota is a mythical place) is completely blown. So if you have any suggestions for a better conspiracy let me know!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Abstinence-Only in Florida

Kudos to Amelia for sending this gem to me. Because of their abstinence-only sex education program Teens in Florida believe that drinking bleach will prevent you from getting HIV and that drinking the magical viscous fluid "Mountain Dew" or smoking pot will prevent you from getting pregnant. You can read the article here.

Which brings me to my next point that people in Florida should abstain from having sex simply because they are dumb. Not only do they live in a severe hurricane zone that is full of crocodiles and can't seem to vote without cheating, but they put dumb legal shit on their websites.

Like this: "Copyright 2008 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed."

If they do not give permission for the article to be "published", "broadcast" or "redistributed" then why do they have a links to email and post the article to newsvine, delicious, digg, facebook and reddit. Not to mention the fact that the story comes from the Associated Press and was posted before April 2nd. You can read a better version here.

Anyway I'm going exercise my right to fair use. Suckas!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Adventures of Mr. Sock

So my little nephew Brendon, being the creative one that he is, was bored one day and came up with this. I'm trying to talk him into doing a series of them. I thought this one was quite neat. So I give you Mr. Sock.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pssst! Its a Secret

post secret

Year Zero part Duex

If you haven't read my post "Year Zero" please do so now. For those that have you might find it interesting to know that the folks at CERN have been slapped with a lawsuit. Apparently some people in Hawaii believe that if the Hadron collider due to start operations in July is turned on it can create a black hole or other strange particles. In theory one or both of these things can start to devour all matter and pretty much eat the earth. Also in theory there is Hawking radiation that sort of keeps these things in check. Either way it brings to light my original assumption that scientists love to play with things that they don't understand. Thats the whole basis of science, to find things out. But that definitely does not mean that just because we can that we should. You can read more about the lawsuit here.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Miracle Weightloss Diet!

So now that Easter is finally over and everyone has gained about 10lbs from eating too many Cadbury Creme Eggs. Its time for you to lose some weight! Now there are several ways to do this. You could simply not eat. Probably not an option for most people unless you are from a third world country or are an experienced yogi. You could run 10 miles a day. If you can run 10 miles a day you probably aren't fat. Or you could simply wear your sunglasses... Well they have to be blue tinted of course. Studies show that blue food is unappetizing. So in theory if you wear a pair of blue sunglasses whilst eating it will trick your brain into not wanting to eat it. Of course this wouldn't work in anything yellow like Twinkies. Although a green Twinkie sounds pretty nasty... Of course you will need to order your glasses from Japan because they are the only ones weird enough to sell them..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bigfoot, Gay Aliens, Zombies, and More!

So some of you old fogy's like me will remember Kids in the Hall. For the rest of you go check out the kids over at Dutch West. I spent the better part of my morning laughing my ass off! They do a lot of film parodies and make fun of how stupid commercials are. Enjoy!
Zarnia from Dutch West on Vimeo.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Death Cab for Cadbury

The folks over at Pimp That Snack! have a wonderful how-to for making the worlds biggest Cadbury Creme Egg. Now thats a delicious death! Cheers to Amelia for the link.

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