So this year when some crazy naked person comes to your door and tells you that they are a cyborg and that they have traveled through time to protect you. You might want to think about letting them in. Yes, the year of our lord 2008 could very well be one of the coolest years in history. It could be considered to be "year zero". I'm not talking about the NINs album, that was last year. I am talking about time travel geek jargon. Year zero is referring to the first year that it might be "possible" to see strange cyborgs from the future. The reason being because, as some theorize, in order to travel back in time you would need some sort of wormhole. A door if you will, to be able to travel through. Well it just so happens that the largest particle accelerator ever built is going to be turned on this year. Like all things in science that we don't really understand that well we of course have to create and tinker with. The same tinkering that caused people in Utah to get a nice dusting of radioactive fallout back in the 50's. When the Hadron Collider at CERN gets turned on some scientists believe that it might possibly create wormholes or black holes. Now granted full blown naked cyborgs probably won't start appearing in dark alleys but may be particles from future experiments could show up. May be even messages could be communicated in some strange particle morse code. None the less weird shit will ensue. The real one to watch for will be the ITER fusion reactor that will be turned on in 2014. When it goes live it will be creating gases in an excess of 1 million degrees. Be sure to get your sun screen out and a good pair of shades, you are gonna need them....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Stop lights? We must be in Mexico...
So lately I have been noticing that it has pretty much become the norm for people to run red lights. I'm not talking about hitting a yellow light and it turning red whilst being in the middle of the intersection. I'm talking full out blowing through painfully obvious red lights and just pretending like nothing happened. Just like in Mexico were the lights might as well not even exist because they don't work.
The question is, where the hell are all the cops when you need them to actually do something? Apparently not giving out tickets for traffic violations, nor giving tickets to the plethora of j walkers jutting out into traffic, nor giving the all the juvenile dumb ass taggers bathing every open wall with a lovely coat of krylon. Probably out beating up grandmas for not watering their lawns... Well I guess what will happen eventually is that some douche in his BMW will mosey on through a red light and run over a j walker with a backpack full of florescent paint which will spray into the wind dusting a Trax train with a light mist which will upset the UTA. In turn they will raise Trax fare another 50 cents to cover the cost of repainting the train. Outraged by the death of a pedestrian the state legislature will spend thousands of dollars and a year debating over a bill to institute a whole new light to the rather dizzying array donning the intersections, and absolutely nothing will change except for the amount of money being sucked out of our pockets by greedy politicians that want to siphon as much as possible away from Salt Lake City so that the Mormons can kill the scant city nightlife that is left on main street taking back control of downtown...
So the moral of the story is quit running red lights you assholes before someone loses a grandma...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
syn-es-the-sia n. Physiol. Sensation produced at a point other than
or remote from the point of stimulation, as of a color from hearing a
certain sound (fr. Gk, syn = together aisthesis = to perceive).
Today kids we are going to talk about one of the coolest phenomena in human existence "synesthesia". Why is this one of the coolest phenomena in human existence? Because this is my blog and I say it is. So what is it? Synesthesia is an involuntary joining in which the real information of one sense is accompanied by a perception in another sense. So for example you may hear a sound and actually perceive it as a taste. This additional perception is regarded by the synesthete as real, often outside the body, instead of imagined in the mind's eye. Its reality and vividness are what make synesthesia so interesting, as its a violation of conventional perception.
For me this is really interesting do to my love of the quantum mechanical aspects of the human mind and its effect on perception. One could argue that synethesia is a form of quantum non-locality (get ready for the mind melting definition), which is the enforcement of correlations between separated parts of an entangled quantum systems across space-like separations. In other words you have multiple realities in which something exists simultaneously (well sort of). I theorize that with perception your brain functions like a quantum system in which you exist in an unlimited amount of realities or dimensions. Thus giving you the ability to remember things. You are simply making a connection to a different reality to retrieve information.
Your brain can function as a quantum system because of the size of many of the synapses of your neurons (in order for something to fall under the effects of quantum physics it has to be under about 10 microns in size). At some point when the conditions are just right quantum physics take effect rather than classical physics. "Strange" things can happen. Strange things like "quantum entanglement". This is where one object works in lockstep with another object. Think of this as sort of like having two twins that all of a sudden are being controlled by one brain. So a thought might become entangled with another thought in a different reality. So a piece of another reality sort of bleeds over causing an unusual effect. An example would be deja vu, you experience something that has happened already in another reality. The memory spills over, and usually is remembered as being slightly different but familar.
So with respect to synesthesia. There is a condition that exists in the brain in which an entanglement of more than one reality in which the normal perception of a sense is completely different such as tasting sound or seeing noise. This might not make much sense but you have to remember that with quantum systems you have have an unlimited number of possible outcomes. So somewhere in the universe you are actually a three assed, purple furred, cyclops, cat-human that tastes food by looking at it. This my beloved children is absolutely one of the coolest phenomena in the world. And by the way, your face looks like the taste of feet....
Welcome to Brain Cough!
Welcome to my blog, this will be a place for my brain dump. I have many great things to show you and hope to spark a few thoughts in the dark recesses of your mind. So tucker down and enjoy the ride!