Saturday, March 1, 2008

Human Simulation

So do you remember that movie "The Matrix"? Where everyone is hooked up to a life support system and is living in a virtual reality. Yeah, so you think that is actually science fiction? It may be more real than you know. Now before you think I am some conspiracy theorist understand that what I am about to tell you comes from the minds of many prominent scientists. Like Nick Bostrom of Oxford University. Not some vague website (like this one). he he he... So here it is. There is a greater mathematical probability that you are computer simulation than that of you existing as a human being. So here is how it works. Computer technology basically doubles about every 2 years or so. If things continue at that rate and assuming people advance beyond a stage one civilization (ability to harness star energy or fusion etc.), then virtual realities could be so advanced that the characters in them (thats you sucka) wouldn't even know that they are not real. You could be a simulation of someone that actually existed in the past. Or you could just be a bot that someone lovingly programmed. Yes my friends this universe is much stranger than you can even possibly imagine...

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